School Messenger
A telephone broadcast system used to notify all households and parents by phone and/or email of emergency, unplanned or general announcements.
How does the system work?
What can I do to ensure I receive important school-related communications?
Caller ID will display the main number for the school.
When receiving a SchoolMessenger call, answer your phone as you normally would. Say "hello" once, saying multiple "hellos" may delay the start of the message. Please note that there is a short pause in the beginning of the call.
IMPORTANT: Set your answering machine to answer in four rings or less to ensure best message delivery. Note: Short, succinct answering machine greetings are best for our machine detection and delivery process. Long answering machine greetings, or greetings with pauses or gaps, may cause the SchoolMessenger message to begin too soon.
To listen to a message again, wait for the 'press any key' prompt at the end of the message and after pressing a key you'll hear the message again in its entirety.
A live or machine answer will complete the notification cycle and cease any future calls for a particular message broadcast. If the SchoolMessenger system encounters a busy, no answer or failed (bad number or line) condition, the system will typically retry that number(s) twice more in 15 minute increments.
Contact your child's school with any and all updated contact information. The school's data must be accurate in order for SchoolMessenger to deliver broadcasts.
Missed or dropped call?
Want to double check?
There are a few options available to retrieve and double check broadcast:
Check out the Contact Manager located in your PowerSchool Parent Portal Account. Select 'Contact Manger', use the 'Messages' tab to review, play and read the last 30 days of broadcast history.
Listen to the radio or watch the news broadcast. SchoolMessenger works well but there are always those times a call may be dropped of undeliverable. The good 'ole radio and morning news will still broadcast SAU 23 associated schools cancel and delay announcements.
Click on the station name below for a direct link to their school closings:
Add your name to the above TV station's School broadcast list. Simply add your email to their list and as soon as the SAU let's the News station know, you will receive an email from the news station. This is a good back-up plan.
Have an Android or iPhone mobile device?
Check out the PowersSchool Parent Portal
The SchoolMessenger Contact Manager built with the Parent Portal allows you to:
Manage multiple schools and students at once
Review, edit and save all broadcast set-up
Control Voice, Text and Email preferences
Have easy & convenient 24/7 access
Listen to all previous voice messages
Review all previous email messages
Uncompromising Security
DO NOT use the SchoolMessenger Apps. These apps are not built for PowerSchool customers. Contact your student's school and request a 'SchoolMessenger Parent Letter (Parent Portal Option)' . This letter will provide your current student data and will also walk you through using the Contact Manager.
iPhone Users: Click here to download your free PS Parents App for your iPhone.
Android Users: Click here to download your free PS Parents App for your Android.
What is this PowerSchool Parent Portal that you speak of?
The Parent Portal provides you with access to your child's grades, attendance and SchoolMessenger information via the Internet.
Whether you have one student or multiple, simply create your one account and add your student(s) to your account.
This system also allows each parent to have access to their child's information, no need to share an account.
Please contact your student's school and request a 'Web ID and Password Letter' to set up your Parent Portal. This letter will contain your student's account access information.
NOTE: Not all schools or grade levels use PowerSchool to track Grades. If you choose to utilize the Parent Portal and your student is in a school or grade level that is not tracking grades in PowerSchool, you will see attendance and have access to the Contact Manager only.