Suicide Awareness & Prevention
The school district cares about preventing suicide and is committed to helping our employees increase their awareness of risk factors displayed by students and colleagues. We would like to take this opportunity to share information about the training we designed for suicide awareness and prevention.
Training for employees occurs annually and was developed by Unified School District 232's mental health experts and includes the following:
Facilitator Introduction to the topic of Suicide Awareness & Prevention
Training Video
Facilitated Discussion
The training video is available for parents and guardians to view. It is our hope that you are able to watch the video to not only see the information presented to our employees, but so that you, as parents and guardians, know more about the risk factors, protective factors, and the importance of asking the difficult but important question, "Are you thinking of suicide?"
Our district also uses Signs of Suicide (SOS) to help teach suicide prevention to students.
Learn more >
If you have any questions or are concerned about your child, please reach out to the counselors, social workers, teachers, coaches, administrators… with whomever you feel comfortable. We are in this together.
Suicide Awareness
Coping with Uncertainty
Important Resources
Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide
You Are Not Alone video
American Association of Suicidology
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Suicide Risk Screener for Parents PDF
Parent version of the Suicide Risk Screener published by The Columbia Lighthouse Project to help identify risk and prevent suicide.
How to talk about suicide to kids of any age PDF
An important component of keeping youth safe following a stated or perceived risk for suicide is to assess the individual’s access to lethal means. While this is not an exclusive list, it is intended to help guide caregivers to assess their environment so that they may remove/restrict potential lethal means from the environment.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Or text "CONNECT" to 741741
The Lifeline provides 24/7 free and confidential support for individuals in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.